Admissions Procedures
1. Complete the application.
2. Mail your application with the non-refundable application to the school.
3. Ask your pastor to complete the reference form provided in this catalog.
4. Provide three general personal references.
Upon notification of acceptance, all students will be asked to remit their matriculation fees. In case of cancellation, these fees will not be refunded.
Church Membership Requirements
Applicants must be active members of an independent, fundamental Baptist church. A clear salvation testimony and scriptural baptism will be asked for from each applicant.
Academic Prerequisites
Applicants into our programs of study must possess a high school diploma. Students without high school diplomas will be accepted only into the Certificate of Biblical Studies.
Classification of Students
Academic classification is granted to students according to the following standards:
Freshman – Admission to a program of study.
Sophomore – least 28 semester hours of study.
Junior – At least 62 semester hours of study.
Senior – At least 96 semester hours of study.
Special – A student enrolled in the certificate program.
Grading System
The student’s work is evaluated in terms of a letter grade which is translated into quality points for tabulation of a cumulative average.
Letter Grades
A 100-90% – Superior or excellent
B 89-80% – Above average
C 79-70% – Average
D 69-60% – Passing
F 59% – Failure
W – Withdrawn
Quality Points
A – 4 quality points per semester hour
B – 3 quality points per semester hour
C – 2 quality points per semester hour
D – 1 quality point per semester hour
F – 0 quality points per semester hour
A student whose cumulative quality point average falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation. At least 260 quality points must be earned for a Bachelor at Grace of Calvary Bible Institute.
In order to complete registration, each student must make full payment of semester tuition fees and all conditional fees.
All students taking a course, regardless of classification, are expected to attend all scheduled classes. Because of the importance of class attendance, students may lose credit for a class, regardless of their average in the class, if they miss more than three class periods per study hour.
Withdrawal From the Institute
A student who wishes to withdraw from the school must meet with the Dean of Students and state his or her reason or reasons for withdrawing. Students who withdraw without approval or who are dismissed for disciplinary reasons, will automatically receive the grade of ‘F’ in all courses and will forfeit any financial refund.
Graduation With Honors
To qualify for academic honors, a student must have completed at least 60 semester hours at Grace of Calvary Bible Institute. Candidates may be graduated with the following honors:
cum laude – 3.50-3.74 grade average
magna cum laude – 3.75-3.90 grade average
summa cum laude – 3.91-4.00 grade average